and the military consignment lucchese in Versilia of the podestà
Prendilaparte, against the last rebellious castles, in the 1286
Lucca it purchased the castle of Viareggio, subsequently
provident Castruccio Castracane to strengthen the defenses of
the seaport of Viareggio and it began some works of reclamation
for the life to make less unhealthy in that marshy earth.
In the 1430 lost Lucca again the I bring of Motrone, Viareggio
remained the only seaport, this forced Lucca to take back the
work of initiated reclamation some
from Castruccio before, initially the effected interventions
brought few benefits, but the Republic continued in its politics
of reclamation and repopulation of Viareggio, offering three
blanket of earth to whoever decided to live in her "swamp
viareggina", in 1466 to the engineer Lionello he was asked to
modify and to widen the small seaport, but despite these
interventions for veder to take off the development of Viareggio
needs to reach the third decade of the XVI century.
The government of Lucca June 5 th
1534 ordered the construction of a new nearer tower to the sea
and the maritime equipments, around this new tower (that that we
can admire today) mainly built with the material withdrawn from
the old castle, next to the new tower the first urban center of
Viareggio was born, that September 11 th 1541 saw to disembark
in its seaport the emperor Charles V, first important tourist of
Viareggio, direct to Lucca to meet Pope Paolo III and since then
the suburb continually grew, in 1548 in the city versiliese was
built the house of the Commissioner and the first church,
entitled to S.Pietro that subsequently you/he/she will be
devoted to the SS.Annunziata.
Later Charles V, the city of Viareggio welcomed with great
celebrations other two important characters, in 1549 the Duke
was entertained Cosimo I and the day March 20 th 1592, the
Granduca Ferdinando The of the Medici.
1576 the Republic decided to strengthen and to reconstruct the
seaport, of the jobs of construction a Genoese engineer was
entrusted, that made to dig the Darsena in 1606, these new
interventions of improvement of the swamp were not satisfactory,
the population decimated by the malarial fevers, didn't succeed
in increasing, but Lucca persevering in its intent, in 1617 it
founded the Vicaria of Viareggio, headquartered in the new
After centuries of bankrupt attempts, in 1740 the bresciano
Bernardino Zemdrini built some new cataracts in the channel
Burlamacca and able to separate the sweet water from that salty,
almost succeeding in defeating the malaria and the population of
the suburb it increased notably, subsequently thanks also to the
concessions of the beaches from the government of Lucca, you
also releases from the Duchess Maria Luisa of Borbone, the noble
families of Lucca, chose that earth to build their villas to the
sea and Viareggio it began to become all over the world the
today's famous bathing city.
to end of the XVIII century with the arrival of French in
Tuscany, to Viareggio some rebels commanded by Sebastiano
Motrone succeeded in sending away the French soldiers from the
tower and to free the country, but quickly the French army
intervened, the general Nadal, suppressed the revolt arresting
12 rebels, two of which Luigi Sodini (of Viareggio) and In the
Loveri (of Stiava), they were immediately shot.
Photo Viareggio
(The photos of the Darsena of Viareggio are a kind concession of
Stefano Garfagnoli © 2008)
The Tower of Viareggio
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