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Events 2011


It Gives a Gesture of love and it tastes the Solidarity
Gamberoni 2011 (Roma)
It ties Italian Fibrous Cystic - Association Laziale Onlus

The evening of April 4, near the prestigious Grand Hotel St. Regis in Rome, The Workers of the Buonvisi, have participated in the VIII° edition of “it Gives a Gesture of love and it tastes the Solidarity”, a beneficent supper organized by the family Gamberoni, with the purpose to pick up funds, for the Italian League Fibrous Cystic, the prepared supper every year, from the prestigious chefs of the Association Cooks Lucchesi and from the Brigade of the Quirinale (the chefs of the Quirinale), this year has had as finality the “Project Line befriends”, a telephone green line, that the association Laziale Onlus, presided by Silvana Colombi, you is realizing, to furnish to the patients and their relatives, a qualified assistance more and more, in degree to help them under the psychological and relief aspect, helping them to overcome the many problems, that the illness unfortunately daily proposes him. To the demonstration, this year they have participated 150 people, among which also Fabrizio Frizzi, Flavio Insinna and Livia Azzariti

If you are interested to the Fibrous projects of the Italian League Cystic or you want to contribute to their realization, you visit the sito  

                                                         E not to forget that the association also has need of your contribution


It salts receptions Ritz The Workers of the Buonvisi
The Workers of the Buonvisi with the chefs of the association Cooks Lucchesi The chefs of the Brigade of the Quirinale and those of the association Cooks Lucchesi, with The Workers of the Buonvisi
The organizer with the chefs of the evening and some friends of the association The Workers of the Buonvisi with some friends of the association
Ciocco Cerruglio
Fortitude of Cerruglio - Montecarlo (LU)
Il cioccolato nella Fortezza del Cerruglio
The Workers of the Buonvisi in Fortitude, with this slogan you has opened the second edition of Ciocco Cerruglio, the kermesse lucchese of the ancient chocolate, where every year, the first didactic living history of the chocolate is proposed, inside the suggestive Fortitude of the Cerruglio of Montecarlo (LU).
For one day he will be able cioccolatare in the history, the perfume of the chocolate of Cosimo III of the Physicians, will cheer the visitor along the whole perimeter of the Fortitude, from the medieval and Renaissance towers, we won't see you train ready soldieries to the siege but hundreds of intrepid greedy, ready to taste the delicate perfumes of the seventeenth-century chocolate, reproduced in historical custom, following the ancient methods of workmanship.
An unique party of the chocolate, in his kind, where the food of the gods he melts, to wonder with the historical traditions of our country, a tablet of chocolate-culture, ready to be tasted.
The party Contado
The return of the medieval riders
Sassocorvaro (PU)
Every year in the month of August, in the medieval suburb of Sassocorvaro (Pesaro - Urbino), the time seems to stay, for some days, along the characteristics streets of the historical center, can undertake a long trip in the time (medieval and Renaissance),
rediscovering the noble deeds of the riders of Sassocorvaro, intrepid defenders of the fortress Ubaldinesca, secular sentinel of the suburb that more than once she remained, involved in the bloody battles, fought in that period, between the noble of Montefeltro and the Malatesta,
days of glory and pain, recalled every year, thanks to the Party of the Contado, living history that this year has also entertained the typical market of lucca, realized from: The Workers of the Buonvisi.
Medieval market The medieval fortress of Sassocorvaro (Pesaro - Urbino) Medieval market The outskirts of Sassocorvaro (Pesaro - Urbino)
Celebration of the Santa Croce    (Lucca)

To the living history of "Ante Diem Sanctae Crucis" (waiting for the Saint Cross), the honor is up to open the week of the celebrations of the Saint Cross to Lucca, the most important event lucchese that from centuries, it pushes thousand of lucchesi coming from the whole world and from every angle of the province, to take possession of their city, in that days the tourists appear as a drop of water in the middle of the sea, the great influx of the lucchesi, toward the city, pushed today still by the veneration of the Face Saint, been unchanged in the centuries, it begins with the living history of Ante Diem Sanctae Crucis, that every year is prepared, not by chance in the Church of St. Frediano, one of the places the Christianity's symbol lucchese and also point of departure of the great procession of the Luminara. Behind the Church, in the antecedent weekend to the Party of the Saint Cross, for two days, it relives the ancient medieval market lucchese, from which you has taken life the modern market of Saint Cross, market again proposed, thanks to the organizational appointment of the historical association "You Company of the Balestrieris of Lucca", while in the lawn out the boundaries, the historical associations "Historica Lucense" and "Mansio Hospitalis Lucensis" they organize and they take care of the preparation of the greatest military camp you fine epoch of Lucca.  The Workers of the Buonvisis, also this year they have taken part to the celebrations of the Saint Cross, preparing their medieval market itinerante lucchese and participating the evening of September 13 in the procession of the Luminara

Ante Diem Sanctae Crucis
Procession of the Luminara
The photos of the luminara, are a kind concession of Emanuele Bonelli -

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